Monday, September 6, 2010

Notes p. 36-48

Photo by: Ken Maher
By having the background blurred, the emphasis is placed on the two herons and their nest.
Photo taken from: here
This picture shows proportion by taking the picture from far away it gives the appearance of the horses and people being smaller than the whole from which the photo was taken.
Photo taken from: here
The line of the picket fence shows rhythm and moves the viewers eye from the front to the back.
Photo taken from: here
Having all of the same time of flowers as well as having them be the same color shows unity in the picture.
Photo by: Daniel Hurts
With the use of different types of pumpkins and the diffrerent colors the picture is an example of variety.
Photo by: Ward Smith
In our reading we learned about radial balance. This is where objects radiate from a central point in an image. We can see this in this picture where the petals of the flower are radiating from the bud.

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