Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5 Photojournalism Pictures

Photo by: Franco Pagetti
This photo depicts a young man who was a former child soldier for the RUF. He is emotionally, and as is shown in the picture, physically scared. The punishment for trying to abandon your troop was being branded. The framing of this picture makes the viewers main focus the person depicted as well as the wounds that he has incurred. The photo evokes emotions like sympathy and horror from the viewer. It is never easy to see a human being treated like an animal, by being branded.

Photo by: Jan Grarup
This photo shows young boys being trained to be soldiers. They have be handed weapons, at an extremely young age and have had their lives mapped out for them. The photographer framed the picture so that the viewer is able to see the boys marching, but also a rock wall with a gun poised on top. It foreshadows what these children will grow to do. The picture sets a very foreboding  mood and a scene of desolation, in light of the lives these boys will lead. It is shocking a shocking picture to encounter.
Photos above from here. 
Photo by: Stephen Wright
This photo is of a homeless woman playing a whistle type instrument and her dog. The framing shows you the conditions which the women lives in. The photo emphasizes teh woman by placing her in the third quadrant of the frame. Her dog almost blends into the blanket, but it adds to the whole effect of the photo. The image evokes sympathy for those less fortunate than oursleves and it carries sad undertones for the conditions people are forced to live under.
Photo above from here.
Photo by: Philip Jones Griffiths
This photo shows a woman lying dead, while a soldier crouches over her and two people walk by like there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. It emphazises the violence these people live with and how they expect it in their everyday lives. The framing gives space to each of the different people who make up a different component of the picture. The dead woman, the soldier who could have possibly killed her, and the two passerbys who go on indifferently. The mood is depressing;  seeing the horrors people come to think of as normal is astounding.
Photo above from here.

Photo by: Don McCullen
This photo portrays children who are starved and because of their lack of food have basically become skin and bones. The child in the back has had so little to eat that his stomach muscles have undergone atrophy and his stomach has become distended. The picture is famed so that the viewer can see multiple children in the photo who are suffering from malnutriotion. It emphasizes the harrowing scenarios people live with. There is a very depressing mood set; seeing children with so little to eat, when you see people stuff themselves with food on a daily basis.
Photo above from here.

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